What is biodynamic craniosacral therapy?

BCST is a relatively little known complementary therapy which emerged from osteopathy in the last century. But unlike osteopathy which involves physical manipulations, BCST involves no manipulations at all. The practitioner simply holds the client’s body at various places and by being very present, neutral and still is able to tune into the fluid rhythms and drives of their own and the client’s body.

There is something in this experience, which is novel for many people, that it enables the body to feel safe and so to switch off, or turn down, the many chemical mechanisms of defence or reaction, such as stress hormones, which we tend to be living with in modern life.

Clients have said to me in recent sessions:

I thought I was relaxed when I lay down, then I realised I was relaxing further. Then as the session went on I realised I was relaxing even deeper!” – this is is a very common experience with clients. I believe that most of us simply don’t recognise just how stressed and anxious we are, even when we think we’ve let go. A craniosacral session allows us to experience what letting go really feels like.

You’re the only person who doesn’t want something from me” – the holding in craniosacral aims to be a completely non judgemental connection of one person to another.

It feels as though you’re sharing your meditation with me” – this is such a lovely way of putting it and goes to the heart of BCST. The meditation practice which has been part of my life for many years is one of trying to allow myself to be present to the reality of life. By gently connecting with another person and bringing that meditative awareness to the connection I believe that I am indeed sharing my meditation.