Clients’ Views

Clients’ comments on craniosacral work are on the craniosacral page; these comments are on massage and myofascial work:

After trying traditional massage for years in an attempt to relieve my multiple chronic illnesses, and the pain and inflammation they bring, I would always end up in a flare up due to its intensity.Finding Sarah and Myofascial release makes my life more bearable. The reduction in my pain is not only sustained , but does not trigger flare ups. I am so grateful for Sarah; it’s lovely to visit someone so in tune with my body, its energies and who understands that gentleness is key in any therapy with my health conditions. I wholeheartedly recommend her treatments, I never would’ve imagined the benefits I would feel from them.” KW 2021

 “I regularly have a massage and this has helped me maintain my well being throughout the pandemic. I am an NHS worker so have experienced a lot of stress and a massage is invaluable to relax my body. When I got a frozen shoulder she managed to improve my range of movement so that I could still reach to do my bra, in just one treatment. She has kept my knees functioning and after each massage my sleep is amazing and I experience no knee pain for days. She focuses exactly on what is bothering me and also recommends exercises and simple changes in how I move, to help maintain the benefits of the massage. She takes a personal approach and is extremely professional and approachable.” SB 2021

A recent comment from a new client:

“I had a treatment with Sarah for my knee ACL tear. It was a wonderful and magical experience. She immediately found where the sensitive points were and I could feel a great senses of release of the tensions. She also helped rebalance the strength in my hips. And she did all this with a very soft touch but strong energy circulation. I now walk with much more balance and strength in my legs. I highly recommend her work.”

A recent comment from a new mum:

“I came to Sarah with completely debilitating post natal sciatica after a flare up of post natal pelvic girdle pain that lasted my whole pregnancy. Within two days after seeing Sarah I felt almost entirely back to normal – pretty incredible after a month of being barely able to walk or pick up my baby. I would wholeheartedly recommend her treatments to anyone recovering from anything birth or baby related – or better yet, get in while you’re still pregnant!”

Here are some recent unsolicited texts from clients following treatments:

“Both my legs felt better after your magic yesterday, today at fit camp the left leg definitely felt easier when I was running, so thank you.”

“I wanted to say that my neck has totally transformed since our sessions! I’ve had years of chiro etc for it and abso nothing has helped until this. Thank you so much.”

“Everything feels great, thank you. There’s no pain in my neck or arm at all now – you are a miracle worker!”

And here are some comments from clients returning to treatment last year after the first lockdown:-

“Just to let you know that I slept the whole night through. And no pain so far. I can’t thank you enough. “

“Thank you for the massage Sarah! Every part of me felt relaxed yet rejuvenated!Having spent the lockdown crunched over a laptop this is just what I needed. I especially enjoyed the massage on my arms and hands which are so often doing repetitive movements over a keyboard or phone. Looking forward to the next one!”

“Thank you so much for an amazing treatment Sarah, I can move my neck again – long may it last… Looking forward to the next one and sorting out my lower back. It´s great you make massage work again despite covid – your care there is very much appreciated!”

“Thanks Sarah for a great massage – glad to see you up and running again!”

“So easy to forget just how important and beneficial the massage sessions with Sarah are. Just had the first one for a long time after lockdown. I should say, we know it in our minds somewhere but when you are back on the table the reality is something else. It’s ‘’Ahh yes, that was it’’, deep relaxation returns. Enjoyable experience plus positive effects, double win!”

“It’s wonderful to have a massage again. You find all the right spots and I felt amazing afterwards. Miraculously my shoulder feels great even though most of the work you did was in my arm and hand!”

“I really enjoyed the massage. It was 45 mins of bliss!”

Other comments from clients are on my Yell page for my East Hoathly clinic :

There are some comments from clients on my Facebook Page:

Other clients have commented as follows:

  • Hi Sarah. You really are a miracle worker. I did not wake in the night with pain and so much less pain today. Thank you so much. B. Aug 2019
  • Sarah is terrifically knowledgeable of body mechanics and her passion for massage is obvious from the moment you meet her. An excellent, naturally perceptive touch together with her experience and compassion makes Sarah a wonderful therapist and myofascial worker. After a massage treatment with Sarah I always feel restored, nurtured and areas of tension released without feeling sore or bruised. CH, East Sussex ,  age 35 , Nov 2018
  • I am pleased to say that I have had a monthly massage with Sarah for almost 2 years. She has a most kind, understanding & unhurried manner and takes a sincere interest in my health. This enables her to vary the experience for maximum  effect. Sometimes it is given purely for relaxation, but on other occasions it has helped ease problem caused by a trapped nerve, bursitis and tension in the back of my neck. I can thoroughly recommend her professionalism, warmth and expertise. AW, Eastbourne Nov 2018
  • Sarah provides deeply remedial treatment as well as a very holistic and relaxing experience that I can highly recommend. Since seeing Sarah my neck and hips have improved tremendously and am now walking without limping. Also the motion in my leg has improved. SP, London 55yrs Oct 2018
  • “Dear Sarah, Your massage today was sorely needed. After missing a few sessions the tension in my neck and knots in my shoulders are in real need and a massage from you is the only treatment. You expertise and technique combined with you empathy is, I’ve found, quite rare, you seem to treat the whole person so I’m not only totally relaxed but look twenty years younger.” LS, Eastbourne 91 yrs June 2018
  • On Saturday I had my first deep tissue massage from Sarah Hill.  Sarah took detailed notes on my health and we discussed the areas which are troubling me the most, I was a little nervous as the last deep tissue massage I had (not Sarah) was so painful it was a terrible experience.  I am very pleased to say this was not the case with Sarah. She was attentive throughout the treatment checking on how I was feeling and ensuring I was comfortable, a very relaxing experience and the massage lasted for 1 hour. Afterwards Sarah made sure I drank a glass of water and warned that I may feel tired and a little rough for a day. Yes I was but now a few days later I feel so much better. I have movement in my neck that I have not had in a year and my back feels much easier, wonderful. I also feel less tense, more relaxed and uplifted. I have booked my next session and would thoroughly recommend Sarah Hill if you have aches and pains.” Via Age Concern Eastbourne
  • I have been to a number of different massage therapists before seeking treatment from Sarah. Some therapists I found to be too aggressive while others seemed unwilling or unable to provide effective treatment for areas of chronic tension. Sarah’s massage treatments however have made a real difference and during the last year have helped me to deal with problems that arise from regular desk/computer work and underlying issues of hypermobility and RSI. Sarah approaches treatment with great sensitivity and is able to locate the root of muscular tension and work effectively to relieve discomfort and pain. Her treatments are always a relaxing experience. Where I am very tight she starts gently to bring warmth and relaxation and works steadily to bring about a much deeper release of tension. I personally find this a most effective approach that brings about lasting benefits.
    In the past I got used to living with a certain degree of tension and discomfort and would wait until I was in pain before seeking treatment. Now I find that receiving a regular treatment from Sarah has relieved me of much of the discomfort that I had accepted as a normal part of my life. PS, 43 yrs
  • Sarah has an extremely caring and gentle personality. I always feel she is taking my whole person into account and doesn’t just administer a ‘standard’ treatment. The massage reduces my stress levels and helps with the stiffness in my hips and my chronic lower back pain, especially when I don’t do my exercises as regularly as I should. Ute, 53yrs
  • Sarah has a natural ability to listen with her hands, combined with a high level of acquired skill and a willingness to keep training and learning. Also, she has the intuition to ‘go with the flow’ when appropriate. I also feel that a long time knowledge and practice of traditional Chinese ‘daoyin’ greatly contributes to her ability to recommend things one can do between sessions. – Phil S, London